10 Ways to Take Territory in the Fourth Quarter


As a real estate developer and agent, being strategic is the need of the hour. That means you must know what to do and when. It will yield the desired result, but not all real estate builders know this well? If the industry leaders and experts are to be believed, the fourth quarter brings forth the best opportunity to take territory and create phenomenal growth strategies for your business. It is when the traditional real estate slows down and probably when you have good chances to speed up.

This blog piece bundles ten activities that will set your business apart and make you up for success when it matters the most—the fourth quarter.

  1. Set a big goal and break it down into steps needed to achieve it

The first step to achieving your best fourth quarter is to set a big goal. Gray Keller and Jay Papasan, the famous real estate entrepreneurs and authors of The One Thing, suggest visualizing the process. In their book, they emphasise the need to break a big goal down into steps needed to achieve it. Whether you offer commercial office space in Pune or a residential property elsewhere, the step suggested will help you achieve extraordinary results.

  1. Constantly monitor your progress

Once the goal is set, the second activity to take territory in the fourth quarter is to monitor your progress. Expert agents and top real estate builders accentuate the significance of staying plugged into your plan and evaluating tangible metrics. Constantly monitor your progress and pivot as and when needed. Keeping track of your goals daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly will help you make changes quickly to stay on course, get out of the box, and make a massive shift.

  1. Focus on listings

The third activity that will get you to success in the fourth quarter is to focus on seller leads. Centralize your focus on taking more listing to accelerate your business. Seller listing is crucial to bringing exposure, attracting buyers, and more seller-listing leads.

  1. Don’t let complacency take hold

As the year moves to its fourth quarter, businesses tend to be abundant and feel complacent when generating leads. It is the happiest time of the year, and real estate developers and agents know that complacency can be disastrous for businesses. Lead generation is the fuel for your business. So, now is the time to get your listings to hit your big goal. It is when you should deploy several lead generation strategies to keep your pipeline full.

  1. Be defensive against distractions

The fifth activity requires you to be defensive against distractions that can cost you a loss of time and impede your productivity. So, don’t let distractions derail you from your progress. Deploy the proven productivity strategies and be a defender of the time that you dedicate to lead generation. That is a way to take territory and hit your goals.

  1. Challenge perceived limitations

You need to challenge your perceived limitations and do not let them take hold during the fourth quarter. Anything is possible with the right system and models in place.

  1. Seek accountability and embrace feedback

You have to take accountability as it is the key to success in business, whether you are a real estate developer in Pune or an agent elsewhere in the country. Also, embrace feedback from others to know what buyers expect from you.

  1. Simplify your database

Growing your database is crucial. But if you don’t maintain it, it will lead to a loss of opportunities. So, it is advisable for real estate builders and agents who want to take territory in the fourth quarter to build or find a system that makes their database streamlined and helps them grow in business.

  1. Create a unique brand identity

The fourth quarter is a great time to polish your brand. Consumers today have plenty of options when seeking real estate developers or agents. In Pune alone, several agents are operating actively to cater to the different housing needs of a diverse population. If you want to stand out, build a unique brand identity with attractive visuals and designs.

  1. Learn from others

You can learn from those that have been there and done that from anywhere else in the world. Since no one can succeed alone, partner up with some incredible talent in the market, find some leading agents, and learn from their mistakes.

Learn more:

Features Of A Good Real Estate Lead Generation Software

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