Do you know how to do the configuration process of the Linksys extender device? If you are nodding no then this page is only for you. You will be able to access the internet quickly and with reliability. Without taking any technician expert you can easily do the configuration process by yourself in less time by following the lower steps.
Items You Will Have To Set Up
There is no essential need for any specific gadget. But there is an urgent need for a few essential things to do this, which are mentioned below.
- Need an active wall socket.
- An internet connection requires an existing router.
- Any Wi-Fi-containing gadget with navigation.
- Must know the default web or IP address of the Linksys extender.
Go To The Web Management Page
- Your computer must first connect to the Linksys RE7000 extender network with the help of the ethernet cable.
- After that, open Safari on your gadget and enter the web address in the location bar.
- After that, you will be prompted to log in to your Linksys extender.
- Further, write all the details which show on the login page.
- Hence, the Linksys extender login process completes successfully.
How To Configure Linksys RE7000 Extender Device
There are mainly two ways: web-based setup or the WPS method. Study both methods one by one.
Configure Your RE7000 Device Through Web UI
- First, attach the antennas and plug the Linksys RE7000 extender closer to the router.
- Now, wait for a few minutes till the LED light blink white into an orange color.
- Next, open the WiFi list on the WiFi-containing gadget and join it to the Linksys RE7000 extender network.
- After that, in a web browser search for the web address in the URL bar.
- Further, fill in basic required essential needs on the page.
- In the end, tap on the new Linksys RE7000 setup page and follow all the directions very carefully.
Hence, with the help of the web-based method, your Linksys RE7000 extender successfully links with the existing router.
Setup Your Gadget By WPS Method
- First, in the upward direction join the antennas to the extender.
- Once this is complete, attach the Linksys RE7000 extender’s power cord to a wall outlet.
- Now, you will need to push the existing router WPS button.
- Then, inside in two minutes press the Linksys RE7000 extender WPS button.
- Now, the solid WPS LED starts flashing.
- Thus, it is a clear indication that the Linksys RE7000 setup process completes successfully with the existing router.
By Using WPS Pin- Attach The Gadget
Use this method when your client gadget has the WPS personal identification number. In case you don’t have this then check the gadget documents. Thereafter follow the written directions.
- First, go to the Linksys RE7000 extender web-based setup page.
- Next, use the web browser to look for the internet protocol (“IP”) address
- Currently, fill up the necessary Linksys extender login details and click OK.
- Afterward, go to the wireless option under the WiFi-protected system.
- Additionally, key in the user gadget pin and press the register button.
- Finally, the connection process completes.
Tip: In case you are having a Linksys RE6500 device and you don’t know the Linksys RE6500 setup process then follow the same steps.
After the setup, If you want to change your Linksys gadget’s password then follow the below instructions:
Tips To Change The Password Of Linksys Extender
When you want to update your WiFi password, you must first log into your extender and then proceed to the Linksys RE6500 setup process to make the necessary adjustments. As follows:
- Ensure that your Linksys range extender properly links to your WiFi router at home.
- Additionally, make sure the WiFi gadget is receiving a sufficient and stable power supply.
- Open a web browser on any available device you can now access.
- In the address bar of your browser, type the default web address for your Linksys extender and press the Enter key.
- When you complete the process, your Linksys extender’s login screen will appear.
- Enter the extender’s default password in the box provided, then click Log In.
- By choosing the Login option, your Linksys extender’s dashboard will be displayed.
- Select the Administration option from your extender’s settings.
- Then navigate to the WiFi Settings menu, where you should find and pick the Change WiFi Password option.
- When you choose it, you will be prompted to enter your default password.
- Therefore, type the information without making any typing errors.
- After completing this step, you can change the password for your Linksys WiFi range extender.
- Exit the dashboard of your extender now, then try to log in with the new password.
- Your Linksys extender’s WiFi password successfully updates. Enter the new password and launch the setup wizard for your Linksys extender.
We hope after reading this page you can easily set up your Linksys RE7000 extender. However, if you are facing any problem then discuss it with us.