Asbestos is a non-organic mineral that was used extensively in building construction throughout the U.S. from 1930s to early 1980s. Asbestos is classified as a “known human carcinogen” and has been linked to mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other respiratory illnesses.
Asbestos containing materials are most commonly found in structural components and fireproofing, but may also be found in floor tiles, wall panels, ceiling tiles, adhesives, paint and pipes. Asbestos also made its way into everyday building products such as vinyl floor tile glue and joint compound. Finally, asbestos is found in textiles such as vinyl gloves. Asbestos can be released from many of these materials when they become damaged or worn out over time.
Asbestos testing is a critical part of any asbestos abatement project. Asbestos, the most commonly used industrial mineral in the 20th century and a popular choice for insulation and fireproofing, has been proven unsafe to humans. In fact, this mineral was so popular in many countries that it is believed to have caused as many as 100 million deaths worldwide due to lung cancer and other diseases related to its inhalation.
One of the biggest concerns with asbestos is that it looks and feels like any other ordinary material. This makes it very hard to detect, which means it is not uncommon for small fibers to be released into the air as a result of normal activity. Because these airborne dust particles are so small and light, they can travel for miles or even settle in areas far from their source.
With asbestos testing, a trained inspector can access the level of asbestos in any given space. Asbestos testing will also determine if there are risks associated with contaminated materials in your home or workplace. If you are planning an abatement project or need additional information about possible asbestos contamination, contact your local health agency and ask about asbestos testing .
Asbestos testing is usually done with a hand-held device called a human monitor. The inspector walks or rolls around the area being tested and shakes the monitor, which causes any asbestos fibers to be released with air. In some instances, where it isn’t possible to do walk-through or visual inspections, there are other methods of detecting airborne asbestos fibers such as air monitoring, wipe samples , bulk samples , and lab analysis . The level of risk associated with contamination is then determined based on the results of the test.
Under federal law, there are strict protocols that must be followed when dealing with asbestos. Local health agencies in every state enforce this law through an agency called the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Under the guidelines, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), any asbestos testing conducted in workplaces must be approved by their governing government agency.
Because there are so many variables to asbestos, including type of asbestos, location, age of the materials, and local regulations, it’s important to work with a company that can provide you with the services and advice you need to make an informed decision about your particular situation. When searching for a company to test your home or business for asbestos, ask them how they conduct their assessments.
This release can then result in airborne asbestos fibers which can be inhaled by the homeowner or occupant of a residence.
If asbestos is present in a home, a licensed asbestos testing company can test for it. Testing is usually done by small vacuum bags that are placed in areas where asbestos may be present and the air inside is sampled. Testing can also be done on surface samples and or bulk samples. Asbestos testing is of great concern to property owners, potential purchasers, realtors and lenders alike. Although the EPA has issued regulations concerning notification to occupants regarding asbestos containing materials within their homes, these are not always followed and many homeowners do not know if they have an asbestos problem in their home. If it is suspected that there may be an asbestos problem in a home, obtaining asbestos testing for mold becomes important.
Testing for mold in residential properties can be a long process that requires extensive sampling of hundreds of surfaces and varying depths. If testing is performed on specific areas, it usually involves removing samples from these areas and testing them independently. Sometimes small samples are taken from suspected mold locations in an effort to determine if the problem exists and how severe it may be. As this testing can take a significant amount of time, homeowners should consider remediating their homes to remove the risk of mold symptoms. Otherwise, asbestos is the best option for anyone who is unsure if there may be mold inside the structure or not. We can help you understand better. To book a Asbestos test, contact us!