WhatsApp’s privacy feature in 2022

The messaging apps reveal a number of features to provide a comfortable experience for users. From WhatsApp ‘External Contacts’ to Signal that expands. The video group call limit, users have a host of features to look forward to.

WhatsApp is ready to release its latest feature ‘My External Contacts’. The new version of the desktop version will enable users to hide their ‘visibility’ And profile pictures in a set of selected contacts. The feature is the latest among. Top 5 WhatsApp privacy Features.

According to a
Blog posts by webbainfo, now one can choose who can view user information such as About, Profile Image, and Archive. According to the report, this feature will be removed from both desktop and desktop versions. The messaging forum will soon be installing the feature in iOS beta and Android beta. However, the official release date is still unknown.

In the same lines, another prominent Signal forum has increased the limit of participants in a group video call.

“Captured group calls issued at the end of the signal last year. And since then we have increased from the support of 5 participants to 40. while ensuring that all communications are encrypted at the end, so we are building our own Signal Calling Service which is open to service. The company said on its official website.

Video and audio are usually transmitted through three types of formats – Select Transfer, Full Mesh, and Server Mix. Although Server Blend which supports a large number of participants is not encrypted at the end. On the other hand, Full Mesh only works on smaller phones.

Signal was able to protect the media flow of a large number of participants through. Its open source unit – the Selective Forwarding Unit. According to the company, participants send their media. To the server and the server ‘transfers’ to the recipients. Without changing it or viewing it. The new feature is compatible with end-to-end encryption, according to a company post.

The WhatsApp deadline for adopting the controversial new privacy policy is fast approaching. In just one more day –2022 – if the application does not accept the new application privacy policy, WhatsApp will slowly begin to block app features until it is completely inactive until it is impossible to send or receive messages, calls, or notifications .

Since the announcement of new privacy policy changes and these tough measures. For unsuspecting users, WhatsApp users have been flocking. To other messaging apps in bulk. According to app analysis company Sensor Tower. Specifically, it seems that WhatsApp users are crossing the ship to two other major routes: Signal and Telegram. As Sensor Tower data reveals:

From January to worldwide Signal imports exceeded a staggering 1,192% annually to 64.6 million.
At the same time, Telegram also saw an increase in annual subscriptions of 98% to 161 million.
At the time, WhatsApp deployment was down 43% year on year over the same period.
All three apps — WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal — have the same basic functionality: you can call, video chat, or send text to any other user worldwide for free. All apps are also cross-platform and all offer encryption.

The main difference between the applications the data they collect about you. The chart below shows what data the messaging apps receive in a row (note that the signal box is empty because the app does not collect data connected to you). You can learn more about Signal privacy benefits here. You can also read what WhatsApp owner Facebook has to say about WhatsApp privacy policy changes here.

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