10 Things To Do After Gutter Cleaning


Spring is a great time to clean out your gutters. But once that job is done, what can homeowners do to keep their home safe from future problems? Here’s our list of 10 things you can do after gutter cleaning:

Maintain your gutter system.

  • Maintain your gutter system.
  • Keep gutters clean and clear of debris.
  • Keep gutters free of clogs.
  • Make sure the gutter is in good condition and shape.

Inspect the downspouts for damage or clogs.

Check the downspouts for damage or clogs. Downspouts are a critical part of your gutter system, carrying water away from your home. They can be damaged by tree limbs and ice dams in winter, as well as other debris like leaves and twigs during other seasons. Inspect them closely to make sure they’re not cracked or broken, then use a brush or broom handle to remove any leaves that may have collected inside them after cleaning out your gutters (or hire someone else to do it).

Check for water leaks in your siding, soffit and fascia boards.

After your gutters are cleaned, it is important to check for signs of water damage in your home. Look for signs such as:

  • Water stains on the siding, soffit and fascia boards
  • Warped or cracked wood (may need to be replaced)
  • Peeling paint (needs to be repainted)
  • Mold (needs professional treatment)

Clean out debris from gutters and downspouts.

After you’ve had your gutters cleaned, make sure that you keep up with the maintenance to keep them in good condition. There are several things you can do to help prevent damage from occurring again and keep your gutters clean and clear of debris:

  • Remove leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts with a leaf rake or blower. If there is too much buildup for these tools to handle, consider using a vacuum instead (be careful not to clog up the hose). You can also rely on gutter cleaning tools like scrapers or brushes if needed!
  • Use gutter guards if you know storms are coming that could cause problems for your current setup–these guards will protect against heavy rainwater runoff by diverting water away from where it shouldn’t go while still allowing lighter rains through without issue. They’re also great because they reduce noise levels caused by wind gusts hitting against unprotected surfaces such as metal roofs or wooden shingles.”

Keep leaves and debris from collecting in the gutters.

  • Use a gutter guard.
  • Blow leaves out of the gutters with a leaf blower.
  • Rake leaves out of the gutters with a rake, or vacuum them up with a leaf vacuum (and then rake them).

You can use either method alone, or combine both methods for best results!

Remove snow from roof gutters during spring, summer and fall months.

To remove snow from roof gutters, you must first clear the entire roof of debris and make sure that it is safe to do so. If there are any loose shingles or tiles, they should be repaired before removing snow from your gutters.

Once you have determined that there are no issues with your roofing system, it’s time to begin removing snow from gutter systems. The best time for this task is during spring months when temperatures outside are rising above freezing point and melting has begun but not yet reached its peak. You can also perform this task in summer or fall months if desired; however, due to colder temperatures at night and fewer hours of daylight during these seasons (and thus less melting), it may take longer than usual for all water collected by your gutters throughout wintertime into springtime before all ice melts away completely

Hire a roofing contractor to inspect your roof to determine if there are signs of wear and tear that could lead to problems with leaks or other damages.

As part of your gutter cleaning in Toronto, it’s also a good idea to hire a roofing contractor to inspect your roof. Roof inspections help homeowners identify problems that may be causing leaks or other damage, allowing them to plan for repairs in advance. If you want to avoid future issues with leaks or other damages, it’s important to have this inspection done by experts who know what they’re looking at.

Make sure all loose material is removed from around the house where it could get swept into your gutter system by wind, rain or ice dams.

  • Make sure all loose material is removed from around the house where it could get swept into your gutter system by wind, rain or ice dams.
  • Check for clogs in downspouts and clean them out if necessary.
  • Repair any damaged or missing gutters and flashing at this time if you have not done so already during the year.

Keep on top of seasonal tasks like cleaning out leaf piles, removing snow from roofs and gutters and keeping gutters clear during storms to avoid future problems like clogs or ice dams forming under shingles which can cause water damage and mold growth inside walls over time.

It’s important to keep on top of seasonal tasks like cleaning out leaf piles, removing snow from roofs and gutters and keeping gutters clear during storms to avoid future problems like clogs or ice dams forming under shingles which can cause water damage and mold growth inside walls over time.


  • Clean the gutter system regularly.
  • Check for leaks and cracks in your roof, and repair them as soon as possible.
  • Keep trees pruned so that they don’t damage gutters or drainpipes.


If you want to avoid future problems with your gutter system, it’s important to keep on top of seasonal tasks like cleaning out leaf piles, removing snow from roofs and gutters and keeping gutters clear during storms. These tasks will help keep debris from entering your gutters which could lead them clogging up with leaves or other debris over time which could cause water damage inside walls over time if left unchecked

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