There is no doubt that the glasses are great. They are a simple engineering solution that solves sometimes difficult problems affecting the human eye, allowing owners to immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural world. But glasses can also be annoying, especially when the lenses fog up when you wear a mask.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, this has become a problem for many people who wear safety glasses. Misting on lenses can quickly go from mildly annoying to downright dangerous, and the situation will only worsen as cooler temperatures tend to fog more lenses. This situation is also avoidable with the use of UVMask. Here are 5 methods by which you can stop any mask from fogging your glasses.
Method number 1: mask with a nose fixture:
Not only do masks with a nose clip provide better protection against COVID-19 infection, but they also help to fight the fog of glasses. Most surgical masks have a clip, and you can easily attach the wire to fabric face masks – homemade or store-bought.
When putting on the UVmask, adjust the nose clip appropriately and let the goggles sit on top of it, so their weight further helps prevent air from escaping from the top.
The main problem with this method is that adjustable nose clips usually have some resistance, and no matter how hard you try to make them fit perfectly to your nose, they will always return slightly to their original shape. This will always leave room for air to penetrate and fog up on your glasses. If these masks are suitable for you, consider yourself in luck – they are not always practical.
Method # 2: Use soap and water:
Blurred lenses are a problem that many people have only recently discovered, but healthcare professionals have been wrestling with an odd combination of masks and lenses for some time. And these are not only those who wear glasses every day but also those who perform complex operations and wear loupes.
Their secret to keeping glasses from fogging up is to wash the lenses with soapy water. That’s all. When you wash your hands (this should be done regularly), apply some foam to your glasses, rinse, shake off excess water, and air dry.
This works because the soap leaves a film on the glasses that prevents them from fogging up. Start with mild hand soap, but if that doesn’t work, try dishwasher soap. Don’t worry, this won’t damage the lens coating or frame hinges.
Since healthcare professionals recommended these tricks, I really thought it would make a big difference, but my glasses continued to fog up as usual. Plus, the foam left water stains on my lenses that I couldn’t get rid of.
Method number 3: use a mask expander:
Does it look silly? Like. Is it suitable? Worth it? One hundred percent.
Wearing a mask expander that connects the ear loops at the back of your head will provide a tighter fit to your face, and your ears will not bulge out. You can buy one online or even improvise with a couple of paper clips.
There was only a little fogging on strong exhalation, so I would call it a good method. This is a little better than just wearing a mask with an adjustable nose clip. Positioning the frame over the mask also helps to get a tighter fit.
Method # 4: Use tissue paper as a buffer:
Similar to numbers 1 and 3, this trick aims to block the top opening of your mask to prevent air from escaping through it, while at the same time absorbing some of the moisture before it hits your glasses.
First, take a tissue, fold it in half and place it inside the mask along the top edge so that it lies just above the bridge of the nose and rests on your cheeks. Adjust the mask and put glasses on it for the best result.
It works, but it can be awkward. Make sure the napkin is folded so that it fits entirely against your nose. When I folded it in half, leaving part of the napkin hanging loosely inside the mask, the fogging was minimal, but when I took a deep breath of air, the napkin closed my nostrils and prevented me from breathing comfortably.
If you want to try this method, I would advise you to carry a pack of wipes with you so that you can replace the one inside the mask if necessary, as moisture can accumulate and moisturize it.
Method # 5: Attach the mask to your nose:
If the nosepieces just don’t work for you, you can make this mask stay in place by sticking it on. However, do not use regular transparent tape, as the oils on the skin will prevent it from sticking. And you don’t want anything that isn’t created specifically for your face to touch it anyway, as this could damage your skin or cause an allergic reaction.
As a last resort, you can use an adhesive plaster, but if you want to do your best, you can opt for a surgical adhesive that is not only safe for sensitive skin but also highly durable. Take what you are using and place it on your nose, making sure you cover equal parts of the mask and skin. Using a longer piece of tape will allow you to move to the next level and cover up some of the space above your cheeks.
It’s not perfect, but definitely the best method I’ve tried. By attaching the mask to your face, you will not be able to breathe through the top of the mask, so there will be minimal exposure to warm air on the lenses.
Combining this method with others, such as using a mask expander or folded cloth, may well save you from fogging problems permanently.