This global pandemic has brought global changes to all aspects of life: socializing, working, as well as learning. In the midst of major challenges that we are facing on pretty much all fronts. Remote learning and remote teaching are among the most important ones. Distance education was taken very lightly by students at first, but over time it has become serious and efficient, mostly due to dedicated teachers who had to become experts in various fields practically overnight. Remote teaching requires a good online connection but also engaging videos. And if you need inspiration for creating them, we’re going to help you out.
Pre-K children
When it comes to really small kids, the biggest challenge is to keep them motivated and focused on the lesson. This is difficult to do even when you’re in a classroom with them, let alone when you’re teaching remotely. However, using technology can be your biggest advantage. As long as you set up your videos to be engaging and fun for kids to watch. You can help them learn about a specific subject by introducing key words videos to help them become familiar with the vocabulary required for an upcoming lesson. You can even give them small homework assignments and invite them to share their own vocabulary videos with the rest of the class in one of the upcoming lessons.
Elementary school children
With elementary school children it can be a bit easier to work because their attention span is better, but keep in mind that they are still very young and easily distracted. They might even find it funny to invite their siblings or cousin to join your class. Which they might find funny but which is really distracting for everyone else. By using reliable video conferencing tools and software, you will prevent such scenarios from happening, and everyone can focus on the lesson instead. With elementary school children, bright, colorful animation that features popular cartoon characters is a fool-proof way to keep them focused on the lesson. You can pick several scenes with a beloved video character and use one per subject you’re teaching. Does Your Business Need Custom Animated Videos?
Middle schoolers
Middle schoolers are inquisitive, but they also like to pretend they are older and more serious than they actually are. Keeping things light and fun might not be enough to keep them engaged, so adding a bit of seriousness to your teaching videos might be just what they need. A great way to engage with them is to record and share how-to videos. You can even download several such educational videos from the internet and share them with your young students to inspire them to try something similar themselves. These videos can be on various subjects: how to properly wash their hands, how to make a hat out of a piece of paper, or how to quickly fold their shirts. Just make sure they understand that for some experiments adult supervision is required.
Teenage students
Teenagers are among the most difficult students to teach because, while their attention span is great, they have an innate desire to rebel against everything. They are incredibly curious but try very hard to hide that to seem ‘cool’ among their peers. A great way to approach teenagers is to use presentations on various subjects, different fun gadgets, and also to incorporate controversial opinions and topics to spark their curiosity. They adore debating and would always love a chance to prove someone wrong. Even their teacher, so don’t be afraid to make videos with content that’s open to interpretation which they will likely use to voice their opinions. This can be a great starting point for introducing a topic or expanding something you’ve been working on.
Adult students
Teaching broad topics requires you to have loads of content, so don’t be afraid of using many different sources and materials to get your point across. There are plenty of short videos you can use to find inspiration to make your own. Or you can simply share the ones that you find are the most suitable for a certain topic. Your teaching videos should also contain plenty of resources to back up your teaching materials. As well as enough additional material for those who would like to learn more about the subject.
Distance learning is incredibly challenging not only for teachers, but also for students, and keeping everyone satisfied and engaged can be a huge task. New obstacles are emerging every day, but with creativity and determination, teachers can help students overcome them and prosper. Teaching remotely doesn’t have to be a chore; instead, you can discover all sorts of benefits and perks you never thought existed before. Approach each task with an open mind and you will become an experienced teacher loved by all students.