Taking an interest in what your children do, talking to them, asking them to collaborate on household chores or turning to their studies are attitudes that promote a good family climate and at the same time help to improve learning and school performance. According to the study, children’s taste for study improves up to 20%, if parents put an interest in what their children do, and 7% if the family climate is favorable.
Today, the economic situation of many families prevents children from having private teachers or attending extracurricular reinforcement activities with the intention of improving school performance. However, it is true that from home and adopting certain attitudes, these same families can collaborate greatly in improving the learning of their children and in the transmission of certain fundamental values. Here are some tips to help your children with school assignments and motivate them to learn anytime in this world.
1- Find a suitable place for study. A relaxed and correct environment is essential to ensure your child’s concentration when studying or doing homework. It is recommended that you be assigned a specific space in the house and that you recognize it as your workplace. Ideally, you should be away from distracting elements like television or game consoles. It is also recommended that you have a work corner at home where you can work or read the newspaper. In this way, your child will recognize that space as a place of concentration and it will not be strange for him to have his own.
2- Suggest daily activities such as learning games. Writing the shopping list or counting how many cartons of milk are in the car are games that can motivate your children to learn. At the same time that they feel involved in the activities at home, they understand that their role is important within the family, which reinforces their self-esteem and motivation for daily life.
3- Use interactive online resources. Searching the internet for games and exercises is a good way to practice at home. There are many interactive online resources like trivia questions and answers games that can help them in learning and be very motivating, given their condition as digital natives.
4- Encourage reading. Reading is essential in a child’s development, so it is good to read at home and get used to it. You can propose that they read simple textbooks or with themes that motivate them to attract reading. Creating a reading environment in the family also helps. For example, if your child sees you reading, he will too because he will assimilate that this action is important. After reading, you can ask him questions about its content so that he develops his reading comprehension.
5- Talk to the teacher. Maintaining a relationship with the teacher and asking about your child is essential. Teachers spend many hours with children and know what their weaknesses or strengths are. It is one more way to get to know your child and help him in whatever he needs.
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