Tips to Enhance Your Store Merchandising Strategy

Store Merchandising Strategy

When you own a retail brick and mortar store, you must prioritize making the physical store environment as attractive as possible. After all, customers pay attention to delightful things to their eyes, which can be pretty daunting. 

Influential companies hire a retail merchandiser to strategize and execute in-store marketing ideas with the common goal of maximizing sales. The best in-store merchandising strategies positively influence buyer behavior, make shopping an excellent and effortless experience, and allow flexible data generation for future business plans. Visual merchandising is also a cost-effective way of advertising and promoting products effectively. 

Here are some essential tips to enhance your store merchandising strategy:

Embellish your POS (Point-of-sale) Area:

The point-of-sale area is the place near the cash register, at the check-out aisle. Most of us have found ourselves adding impulse items into our cart while standing in line at the POS area. Therefore, it is imperative to use this area wisely in our merchandising strategy. 

Research states that people spend a significant amount on impulse products. For retailers, the POS area is the “last chance” to persuade customers to buy more after making purchase decisions. You may have noticed that most retailers stock low-priced products in this area because customers are more likely to pick up inexpensive items at the end of shopping. Some retail stores also deck their POS areas with product displays, mini product bins, and promotional displays.

Use Signages Throughout Your Space: 

The idea here is to constantly communicate with your customers through prominent and easily readable signages that can be updated regularly. Use consistent style, colors, and sizes that resonate with your brand and products. It’d be nice if you included these signages on your doors, ceilings, floors, windows, shelves, washrooms, etc. Grab every opportunity and space at your store to communicate a consistent message. 


Here’s a sales merchandising or visual merchandising strategy that is close to the heart of most retailers. Cross-merchandising boosts the sale of products by placing complementary products close together. For instance, retailers keep products like cheese, butter, and bread alongside each other. Cross-merchandising also saves the shoppers’ time. Customers who come intending to buy ice cream can show interest in adding toppings and hot chocolate to their cart when placed close to the ice cream. In this way, customers get reminded to purchase secondary products which they might otherwise not consider. 

Display Seasonal Products at the Store Entrance:

On special occasions, place seasonal products at the front of the store. People are most likely to be looking for these products. Placing them right in front will make the shopping process convenient. Even those that did not intent to buy will end up purchasing these seasonal products. 

Trigger the Shoppers’ Senses:

Brick-and-mortar stores have a significant advantage over e-commerce or online stores. The customers’ five senses get involved while shopping at a retail store. Visual merchandising is excellent, but here are some other ways to spark interest among potential customers:

● Make your products readily available for customers to touch and feel. 

● Depending on the store, arrange free samples of the food and drinks for shoppers to taste. 

● Play some soft or striking music to uplift the vibes of the store.

● Spray fresheners and calming fragrances within the store to attract customers.  This post outlined a few influential in-store marketing ideas and strategies. Utilize the ones that best complement your store.

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